Support does not run ads nor receives any external financial support, so we rely on donations to keep the project going.

Donations can be made via the services listed below. Both Liberapay and Ko-Fi deal with recurring donations, with Ko-Fi also accepting one-off payments. Anything you can spare to support us is greatly appreciated.

Merchandise is available, with us receiving a percentage of each sale.

All donations will go towards the following costs, with any surplus being saved for future months. All acts on the platform join us on a voluntary basis and as such do not receive any payment.

Cost Amount
Virtual Private Server €13.5 per month
Chat subscription $2 per month
Domain name £3 per month
Total ~£16 per month


Liberapay is an open-source and non-profit recurrent donations platform.

Compared to similar donation platforms like Patreon, Liberapay don’t take a cut from your donations and they allow anonymous contributions.

Donate using Liberapay


Ko-Fi is a donations platform that enabled both one-time and monthly support. As with Liberapay, Ko-Fi don’t take a cut of your donations.

Donate the cost of a coffee to show your support!

Buy Me a Coffee at


Teemill is our merchandise provider. They are a sustainable organisation that produce items from their renewable energy powered factory. Also, their website is carbon neutral and they don’t use plastic in their packaging.

Check out our offerings and let us know if you would like other colours or items added to the range.